POSTALLIANCE continues to grow

The international network, initiated by Screencraft, ACHT and LAVAlabs, gains further partners. Electric Theatre Collective with its headquarters in London enters the POSTALLIANCE.

POSTALLIANCE continues to grow

Munich, Germany, 12 May 2014 – After four new members the POSTALLIANCE gets further established in the English area with Electric Theatre Collective, the young, creative visual effects forge from Soho, London. Located in the vibrant downtown, the creation of exceptional motion pictures has priority for the 2012 incorporated business. Well-known global players as Samsung, Jaguar or Gucci and numerous agencies like Leo Burnett, DLKWLowe or BBH are part of the high calibre portfolio. The founders originate from the renowned high-end postproduction The Mill and use their long-term experience and extensive expertise to supply premium services. The personal, customised support of clients is of particular importance according to Lee Pavey, Managing Partner at Electric Theatre Collective : „All clients work with one of the Directors of Electric Theatre Collective so that they are guaranteed a personal touch.“ Extraordinary, promising ideas get realised with a lot of enthusiasm: „With our passion for new ideas we take the world of advertising and film by storm.“

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We collaborate.
The POSTALLIANCE is a strong international network of independent postproductions in the field of media solutions. The pool of passionate talented artists from London to Istanbul forms a source for exceptional ideas and outstanding projects. At 10 locations in Europe you get offered centralized coordination and considerably organizational advantages for your international projects.

Screencraft Media Solutions
Marion Grünsteidl
Oberföhringerstrasse 186
81925 München